Today is an exciting day in so many aspects. As this blog post goes live, I am on my way to my final Herceptin infusion - the end of a very long year of chemotherapy, radiation, and Herceptin infusions, plus all the procedures and doc visits that go along with it! [SEE UPDATE BELOW!]

Today is also LAUNCH DAY for two new books:
The Pink Pages: A Practical A-Z Guide for Your Breast Cancer Journey is available in paperback and Kindle formats.
Days to Remember: A Journal for Your Cancer Journey is available in paperback.
(The journal works for patients with any type of cancer.)

A portion of the proceeds from the sales of these books will be donated to the Cancer Navigators and the Komen Foundation. Both organizations were extremely helpful to me during my journey, so I’m grateful to return the favor.
At the end of this journey, the one emotion that stands out above all else is one of gratitude.
I’m so grateful to God for allowing me to survive this journey.
I’m so grateful that He gave me such an incredible support team through my faithful and mighty Prayer Warriors, my precious friends, and loving family.
I pray fervently that if you have to face a cancer journey, that He will be ever present for you, that He will surround you with mighty Prayer Warriors, and a strong support system.

Today is also LAUNCH DAY for two new books:
The Pink Pages: A Practical A-Z Guide for Your Breast Cancer Journey is available in paperback and Kindle formats.
Days to Remember: A Journal for Your Cancer Journey is available in paperback.
(The journal works for patients with any type of cancer.)

A portion of the proceeds from the sales of these books will be donated to the Cancer Navigators and the Komen Foundation. Both organizations were extremely helpful to me during my journey, so I’m grateful to return the favor.
At the end of this journey, the one emotion that stands out above all else is one of gratitude.
I’m so grateful to God for allowing me to survive this journey.
I’m so grateful that He gave me such an incredible support team through my faithful and mighty Prayer Warriors, my precious friends, and loving family.
I pray fervently that if you have to face a cancer journey, that He will be ever present for you, that He will surround you with mighty Prayer Warriors, and a strong support system.
Please let me know if I can pray for you! I’d be honored to do so.
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