Last week, I shared a blog post, When Holidays and Birthdays are Difficult , that had some folks questioning why I write about such things. Some people prefer happy, cheerful, surface-level posts. Some seem to think I want the drama that posts like this may cause, which could not be further from the truth. To help readers understand why I write the yucky stuff, I thought I’d offer a little explanation. I write about seasons of pain because there are many others who are in – or who have experienced – similar seasons, and some of those people are seeking hope. They are seeking someone who understands. Someone who will not judge, will not condemn. Those people need to know they are not alone. They may also need Jesus, so perhaps God will give me the privilege of helping point them toward HIM. In her recent book, Colorful Connections: 12 Questions About Race that Open Healthy Conversations , author Lori Roeleveld wrote this powerful statement: “Shame is a silencer.” Let that sink in. When ...