Have you ever lost focus? Ever chased a rabbit trail, only to come back to your starting point so you can start again?
That was my summer this year. I chased art.
Now, as September approaches, I find myself back where I started, re-energized and refocused, ready to dig in once more.
I have revamped this website with more focus on books and writing. I'm still creating and selling art (and greeting cards are coming soon!)
My focus is once again on writing, screenwriting, and publishing. Summer vacation - or after-midlife crisis - is over. Two of my own books, and an anthology with one of my stories included will release this fall. Screenplays are in motion, too, after quarter-finaling in a contest this summer.
So how did I refocus? First, I prayed and told God I needed help, because I was floundering. I told Him I thought I needed a coach. Two weeks after that prayer, author Lori Roeleveld announced some group workshops she was offering online, and I knew He'd answered my prayers. I signed up, and the first week just kicked me in gear. Tomorrow is our second session, and I can already say that this workshop has been life-changing. If you're looking for a coach, I highly recommend Lori Roeleveld's Take Heart! Coaching - she offers many writing, speaking, and life coach options on her coaching page.
I'm back to blogging once a week or so. Hope you'll join in the conversation.
Have you ever lost focus? Did you get it back? Or move onto something else?
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